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How to plan your web site in detail.

Before inviting a web developer you should compose a short plan where you will expound your thoughts about content of your site for each page. It is very important to do so because it is you who know everything about this market, you know the fad words for your business, you know what visitors of your site would like to see and read there and etc. So, make up a brief note about each page of your site and show it your web developer. It will be easy for him to undestand what you expect from his work.

You may also right all the texts for your site and then ask an online copywriter to edit them. It is possible to hire a copyrighter to right the texts, but he must be a dab and come to know the particulars of the crux not worse than you do. If you’v decided to make up all the texts yourself, then it is impossible to manage without an online copywriter. Most of them have knowledge of advertizing, so they can shorten your texts but live the most important information for visitors of your site. This step is essential because users don’t like to read large texts. They just want to find nesessary information as quick as possible. That’s why texts, filled with “water” are not for serious sites.

Then you should hire an Internet marketer and ask him to rewiew and edit the content of your site. You need his service in order to correlate use of the keywords in your texts with required rules. Internet marketers have specialization not only in search engines and their ranking criteria but also in repeat traffic generators and permission marketing. There are some rules how to use the keywords righty. For example, the keyword that is used on a particular page should be used without fail in the page title, in the headers, in the comment tags, in the text throughout the page in some more places. The Internet marketer will check proper usage of the keywords, usage of suitable repeat traffic generators, suitable permission marketing techniques and suitable viral marketing techniques.

Then you need to hire a grafic designer. His services consist of developing the navigation bar, the background, and the separator bars. The grafic designer should know that your offline and online corporate identity (the banners, tags, slogans, colours) should be consistent.
It is up to you to hire a Web development team or find separate workers. But most probably that a serried team will work more quicker and in an organized way.

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